Thursday, November 18, 2010

Not in Kansas anymore! (not that I was to begin with.....)

So, a friend suggested I blog about playing LOTRO (Lord of the Rings Online), the same friend who suggested I play LOTRO in the first place.  I’ve been playing for a couple weeks now, and I have to say, it’s really addicting.  There’s so much you can do besides just fighting monsters and questing.  I love the crafting aspect, and the various levels of inter-personal play with other people.
This is pretty much going to be a basic intro to my toon (character), and my overall LOTRO experience.  I’ve been playing for a couple weeks, so I’ll backlog what game play I can remember in later posts.
My toon is a female elf named Tasariel, Tas for short (thanks again to my friend, hereafter known as Kaimelar).  I actually spent a lot of time coming up with her name.  Tasariel is Quenyan for Daughter of the Willow.  Tas is an elf from Mirkwood, who are known as wood-elves.  She’s also a level 17 hunter.  I picked the hunting class because it’s a good starter class and I’ve never played an MMORPG, though I have played RPGs in general.  The hunter is a fairly straight forward and simple class.  Your main weapon is a bow, and you can have either a two handed weapon or two one handed weapons for close range.  I’m particularly fond of ranged fighting, because I’d rather not get hit if I don’t have to.  So, those are the basics about my character.  There will be more to come soon.

If you read this blog, send me a tell in game!  For those who may not know how to do that, type: /t Tasariel <message here> into the message box on the bottom left of the screen.

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