Monday, November 22, 2010

Lvl 20!

So, while I'm still trying to finish background posts about playing LOTRO in general, I thought I'd update on Tas' progress.  I played a lot over the past week/weekend (mostly Friday & Saturday) and got Tas up to level 20!  At level 20 you unlock skirmishing, which I will post about separately.  I've also done quite a bit of crafting and mat (materials) collecting.  I've mastered journeyman and apprentice farming, working on proficiency in expert now; I've mastered apprentice cooking, working on master journeyman and proficiency in expert; and I've made proficient apprentice and journeyman tailor, but I'm still working on mastering both tiers.  So that's where Tas is.  The plan now is to stop crafting for a while and just work on leveling and stockpiling money.  I've caught up on all the lower level quests in my tracker, so these next few play sessions should be fun and challenging.

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